Butterflies of India website is a vast project that draws upon the expertise of a large number of butterfly biologists, naturalists and advanced butterfly-watchers, and upon the generous contributions from butterfly photographers. As a result, this website is truly a consortium of scientists, whether they are professional, amateur or citizen. The current team members are: CHIEF EDITORS: Krushnamegh Kunte, Sanjay Sondhi, Purnendu Roy BOARD OF EDITORS: Natural History and Biology, including early stages and larval host plants: Tarun Karmakar, Nitin R., Rohan Lovalekar, Hemant Ogale, Paresh Churi, Pranav Gokhale Systematics, Taxonomy, and Nomenclature (including common names): Krushnamegh Kunte, Purnendu Roy, Sanjay Sondhi Content Development, Image Reviews, Website Operations, etc: Rohan Lovalekar, Rohit Girotra, Ashok Sengupta, Nitin R., Pranav Gokhale Policy, Outreach, and Collaborations: Krushnamegh Kunte, Vijay Barve, Purnendu Roy, Sanjay Sondhi, Ullasa Kodandaramaiah, S. Karthikeyan. Website Development and Management: Purnendu Roy and Krushnamegh Kunte REVIEWERS: content reviewers, including for images, listed not in any particular order: Fahim KhanRohan LovalekarHemant OgaleDattaprasad SawantParesh Churi Sanjay SondhiAshok SenguptaNitin R.Swathi H. A.Abhay Soman Tarun KarmakarPranav GokhaleArjan Basu RoyRudraprasad DasTushar Bhagwat G. S. Girish KumarPurnendu RoyKrushnamegh KunteAtanu BoseDeepak Naik Rajat JoshiIshwar MaanayVikas Madhav Nagarajan     This is an expanding list, so please let us know if you want to volunteer to develop this website, or want to nominate someone to be an editor or a reviewer. Image contributors are mentioned on the images themselves, and they will be listed on a separate page, with links to their contributions, in due course.  

Page citation

Anonymous 2025. ABOUT US: THE BUTTERFLIES OF INDIA TEAM . In Marathe, K., V. Sarkar, B. W. Price, P. Roy, and K. Kunte (Chief Editors). Butterflies of India, v. 1.0. Indian Foundation for Butterflies.